Wei Qiu


I am a researcher at LightSpeed Studios, Tencent where I build game AI with Reinforcement Learning and AI. I obtained my PhD degree at the Nanyang Technological University, where I worked on multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) and reinforcement learning (RL). My PhD advisors are Bo An and Lana Obraztsova. I received my bachelor degree in management and master degree in software engineering at South China University of Technology in China.

During my PhD career, I have been broadly interested in reinforcement learning, multi-agent reinforcement learning, human-like AI, human-ai coordination, generalization and their applications to real-world problems, such as building real-time recommendation systems with RL and creating human-like bots in video games. I am also interested in generative AI, foundation models and embodied AI. My research goal is to create a generalist agent that can act in the world and benefit human beings.


Dec 15, 2023 Joined LightSpeed Studios, Tencent in Shenzhen!
Dec 5, 2023 Defended my PhD Thesis!
May 1, 2023 Attended ICLR 2023!
Apr 19, 2023 One paper accepted by IJCAI 2023!
Mar 26, 2023 Invited to be a reviewer for NeurIPS 2023!